A publication where you receive 12 postcards drawn and written by 12 illustrators about their favourite city spots

Una publicación que te permitirá recibir 12 postales dibujadas y escritas por 12 ilustradores desde su rincón favorito de la ciudad

Andrea D´Aquino (New York)

Andrea D'Aquino tells us: "I have been drawing since I was a child. I drew pictures of the gymnasts from the Olympics and The Beatles. As an adult, I became an art director and graphic designer, and worked in advertising agencies. In recent years I've come back to my true pleasures : drawing, painting and collaging.
When we ask her about her very personal style, she replies she has developed it "by listening to my own heart and gut, at the point where it feels most effortless, least resistant, most organic, and not trying too hard to "look good". Embracing idiosyncrasies and mistakes". 
She feels inspired by "long walks with my dog, which I do every single day. Green jasmine tea. Medieval art, Persian art, Japanese print-making, movies, music, and nine thousand other things".