A publication where you receive 12 postcards drawn and written by 12 illustrators about their favourite city spots

Una publicación que te permitirá recibir 12 postales dibujadas y escritas por 12 ilustradores desde su rincón favorito de la ciudad

Katey Jean (London)

Katey Jean defines herself as an illustrator and painter living and working in London. "My work is often inspired by nostalgia, narrative and the odd moments of the day to day which make the mundane that little bit more magical. I like mischievous girls who open doors they're not suppose to open and push buttons they're not suppose to push, yet sulk for days about the weather and boys or something else equally unimportant. I like the mix of the playful and the solemn, which I think is also reflected in my muted colour palette. I draw because I'm that girl who wants to slide down that banister with my dress round my ears and a cat stuffed in my pocket, but now I'm 24, I think I'd get arrested for doing it in real life."